Friday, January 2, 2009

And the editing begins!

Okay, so I've started the editing process, and as I'm doing it, I am finding that I was jumping all over the place with this thing. Sure, I stayed on track with the plot, but names? I had the poor villain with three different names, when all I wanted was one. Why couldn't I just keep one name for this guy? Funny! And then some other characters, I made him a her, and back to a him again, only to be a her in the end. She was originally a her, but I thought may be I should change it. Then again, the event that occurred in the story would be better with the character being a he. So a he he will remain!

Other than that, so far so good. This story is really crazy. Some of the things that are running through my head while I'm editing?

1) Has this story been told before? I worry if this book sounds too much like some of the movies that are out there. So many books and movies are all blending together, it is kind of hard not to piggy back off of each other. But I made sure that this book will be my own. I have some influences, but nothing that will make people go "Hey! That happened in such-and-such's book!" Trust me, it's mine.

2) What in the world was this woman smoking when she wrote this? I wasn't smoking anything when I started this book. Actually, it started off as another completely different story, derived from something I wrote back in high school, but it quickly changed when I was hanging out with one of my friends, who unfortunately passed away back in 2000. The story was originally going to be based off of a caricature of him, but it took a completely different route. Grant it there will be the original book made later. I'm working on it, but this one had to come out first.

3) Will this be good enough for people to enjoy? Honestly, I don't give two rats patooies! I'm kidding. I hope people would like it enough to read it. I just was so glad to get the idea out of my head. I have too much up there right now! And not enough hair.

Well, that's about all for now. I need to head to run some errands...get some material for a dress that I've been putting off making for a few weeks. It's time to get some inspiration!

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