I've stepped up the editing again. I've been making some changes to the story, adding some things, taking things out. Trying to make sure that the book doesn't read like cooking instructions rather than telling an interesting tale. All the while, I'm trying to think about my target audience. Would they read it? I know what I like, but how would other's like it? At first, I really didn't think about it because I was like "I have a story to tell, and I need to get it out before it drives me insane!" Now that I'm done writing it and I'm going back to read through what I have, I'm trying to make some changes. I want it to flow properly. I don't want it to seem like I'm condescending, trying not to make those who are reading my book feel like they're not smart enough to read it. I want it to be fun, interesting, again, tell a story.
So far, it's going better than I thought. I'm just about to the point where I'm liking the book. I guess you should like your own book if you're wanting to get it out there to other folks. Well, it's getting better now. Soon I will be shopping for a publisher. I just spoke with my aunt about it. One of her co-workers just got her book published. Actually, I may speak with one of my co-workers who just had her book published. Man, this is just so much work! And to think, I have two other books in the works. I have them outlined, just need to add the right words.
Well, anyway, that's about all. I'm going to get back to the book and let the wee one watch the rest of Ice Age: The Meltdown. She is just so excited about this movie. Too funny!
Okay, back to work!